Grace United Methodist Church
Love God. Love Others. Serve the Kingdom.

Glenwood, Iowa
Praise Team
The Grace United Methodist Praise Team provides music for the 8:45 AM contemporary service. Our CCL license allows us to perform many of the contemporary Christian music songs you hear on the radio today. Click here for links to some of our favorite songs. The group performs at the early service every Sunday year-round, usually playing a four to five song set. The Praise Team uses a drummer, keyboard, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, as well as vocalists.
If you are a music self-starter and can learn music on your own and then integrate into a team, The Praise Team would love to welcome to you the group. The Team rehearses every Sunday morning at 7 AM, preparing songs for that Sunday's service. Occasionally, when learning new songs, the Team may practice during the week. If you are interested, please complete the form below, or talk to Mike Joyce or Jeff Mitts after the service.